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Table 3 Perceptions of dengue of the respondents, Pampanga, Philippines, 2022 (n = 604)

From: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to dengue among public school teachers in a Central Luzon Province in the Philippines: an analytic cross-sectional study


Frequency of positive attitude (%)

Perceived benefits

 Wearing clothes that cover most parts of my body should be able to protect me from getting dengue

425 (70.4)

 Using mosquito coils will lessen my chances of getting dengue

379 (62.7)

 Applying mosquito repellant will protect me from getting dengue

474 (78.5)

Perceived barriers

 If the materials that can be used to protect myself against dengue are expensive, I will not buy these

393 (65.1)

 If the health facilities are not accessible, I will not go to these facilities

339 (56.1)

 If information regarding dengue prevention is not made available to me, I will not search it

494 (81.8)

Perceived severity

 I believe that dengue can lead to the more severe dengue hemorrhagic fever

594 (98.3)

 I believe that there is no medicine currently available that can cure dengue

329 (54.5)

 I believe that currently there are no available effective and safe vaccines against dengue

370 (61.3)

Perceived susceptibility

 I feel that I am at risk of contracting dengue in the next three months

405 (67.1)

 I feel that my chances of getting dengue is high if the people around me have dengue

417 (69.0)

 Presence of mosquito breeding sites increases my risk of getting dengue

589 (97.5)

Cues to action

 I should seek medical attention if I experience flu-like symptoms

596 (98.7)

 I will protect myself against dengue if my family members or relatives recommend it

540 (89.4)

 I will protect myself against dengue if my doctors recommend it

541 (89.6)