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Table 1 Fibrinolytic effects of E. ocellatus and B. arietans venoms and venom proteins

From: Toxicological analyses of the venoms of Nigerian vipers Echis ocellatus and Bitis arietans

Venom/ venom protein

Plasma recalcification time (min)


Echis ocellatus

Bitis arietans

PPP + PBS + CaCl2 (control)

04.10 ± 0.17a

03.10 ± 0.10a

PPP + CaCl2 + PLA2

10.00 ± 0.00b

12.23 ± 0.15b

PPP + CaCl2 + SVMP

20.23 ± 0.20c

17.20 ± 0.20c

PPP + CaCl2 + SVSP

30.30 ± 0.26d

26.20 ± 0.10d

PPP + CaCl2 + Crude venom

44.10 ± 0.10e

52.20 ± 0.17e

  1. Data are mean ± SD from three determinations. Data with different superscripts in a column are significantly different at p < 0.05
  2. PPP Poor Plasma Protein, PLA2 Snake venom Phospholipase A2, SVMP Snake venom metalloproteinase, SVSP Snake venom serine protease