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Table 3 Themes and categories related to leadership in school principal

From: Leadership of school principals for school health implementation among primary schools in Mataram, Indonesia: a qualitative study

Themes (6)

Categories (19)

Have professional educators’ beliefs and religious beliefs and Indonesia’s morals

Religious beliefs of the principal

Values and morals as a professional educator

Share a vision for the cultural change

Understanding of school context

Set school health activity as a school priority

Role model

Created regular school health activities

Build a good relationship within school

Build and maintain a foundation to require UKS guideline

Assign teachers to take responsibility

Set up physical environments

Secure the budget from various resources

Cooperation with multiple sectors

Support school health implementation by capacity building and work organization

Monitor implementation of school health activities

Enable teachers and children to take ownership

Provide an opportunity to acquire skill and knowledge

Advocate school health’s value to in and out of school

Communicate the importance of school health with school community

Act as a spokesperson to the school community

Sustain and support by motivating and reminding others

Reward, recognize, and celebrate

Work as a partner with teachers and the community

Keep making small changes