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Table 7 Challenges encountered during harvesting, processing and administration of nutraceuticals and recommendations to authorities

From: Ethnobotanical study of nutraceutical plants used to manage opportunistic infections associated with HIV/AIDS in Acholi sub-region, Northern Uganda


Sample narrative


Problems encountered during collection of nutraceutical plants

Distance to source of nutraceuticals

‘Long distance walking to forest, bush to find nutraceuticals’

Safety of TMPs during collection

‘We meet wild animals, get pricked by thorns, sharp objects in bush ‘

Availability of protective gear

‘we lack gumboots’

‘We ask Government of Uganda to facilitate with gumboots and protective gear’

Problems encountered during processing of nutraceutical plants

Availability of equipment

‘we lack processing equipment such as grinding machines’

‘Crushing or grinding is done using two rough stones or mortar and pestle. Utensils used are clay pots or Aluminium/steel saucepans’

It was observed that during processing, nutraceutical plant materials had visible signs of contamination, while some equipment used were not clean. TMPs engaged in herbal processing did not maintain hygiene or wear protective clothing

‘We ask Government of Uganda to facilitate with crushing equipment’

Problems encountered during preservation of nutraceuticals

Methods of preservation

‘we don’t preserve nutraceuticals, plants are abundant’

‘we have limited knowledge on preservation of herbal formulations’

‘We need training’

Problems encountered during packaging nutraceuticals

Packaging of nutraceuticals

‘we lack packaging materials ‘


Problems encountered during treatment of clients

Methods of treatment

‘we estimate doses for nutraceuticals

‘We treat opportunistic infections till no symptoms seen’

Cooperation with medical doctors

‘there is Lack of cooperation with medical doctors’

‘we ask for collaboration and communication between biomedical clinicians and Traditional medicine practitioners should be encouraged

Problems encountered during payment for nutraceuticals

Payment for herbal medicine

‘payment is low or is made inkind in exchange for chicken or harvested crops’

Ministry of Education, Uganda is called upon to convene and train TMPs about basic knowledge on diagnosis of disease, record maintenance, Legal systems, business management, processing and packaging nutraceutical plants for commercial use, how to maximize profits and protect their knowledge

Problems encountered in keeping information

Methods of storing information

‘Most TMPs cannot read or write especially the elderly, therefore, unable to record information’

‘Information passed orally from generation to generation’