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Table 1 Differences between dengue encephalopathy and dengue encephalitis

From: Unforeseen complications: a case of dengue shock syndrome presenting with multi-organ dysfunction in a subtropical region


Dengue encephalopathy

Dengue encephalitis


Brain dysfunction due to the effect of dengue virus on organs other than the brain [21]

Inflammation of the brain tissue [22]


Usually secondary to derangement in multiple systems like shock, hepatitis, coagulopathy, and concurrent bacterial and viral infection [22]

Direct neuronal infiltration of the dengue virus [22]


Disruption of brain function [21]

Invasion and replication of the virus [22]


Altered mental status, confusion, coma [21]

Fever, headache, neurological symptoms [22]

CSF Examination

Normal or minimal abnormalities [23]

Increased protein, pleocytosis (rare)