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Table 1 The quality assessment tool used for determining the quality of reports included in this systematic review

From: Ethnomedicinal plants used for the prevention and treatment of anemia in the Philippines: a systematic review

Quality Assessment Tool


Fully compliant = 2 points

Partially compliant = 1 point

Not compliant = 0

N/A = not applicable

Total score:

17–20 = High quality

11–16 = Regular quality

0–10 = Low quality

1. Are the questions or objectives sufficiently described?

2. Is the study design appropriate to answer the study question/s?

3. Is the study area and population sufficiently described?

4. Are the methods described in sufficient detail?

5. Can the study be easily replicated?

6. Is the sample size of informants sufficient or justified?

7. Are the medicinal plants verified by a taxonomist?

8. Did the paper provide appropriate descriptive and quantitative analysis?

9. Are the results reported in sufficient detail?

10. Do the results support the conclusion?