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Table 3 Definitions of extracted data

From: Evaluations of training programs to improve human resource capacity for HIV, malaria, and TB control: a systematic scoping review of methods applied and outcomes assessed

Data extracted


Year of publication

Year in which the study was published

Study location

Country in which the study took place

Disease area

The disease area that the training program aimed to target (HIV, malaria, or tuberculosis).

Evaluation methods

Pre- and post-training tests

Trainees were given tests on their knowledge acquisition before and after training sessions. Scores of both tests were compared.

Quantitative survey of trainees

Trainees’ feedback, demographic information, or other key information used for evaluation were collected using questionnaires filled out by either trainees or evaluators via one-to-one interviews. Data was analyzed using quantitative methods.

Qualitative interviews

Trainees were interviewed one-to-one by evaluators after training. Information was collected through in-depth or semi-structured interviews. Data was analyzed using qualitative methods.

Review patient records

Patient records were extracted and patient level outcomes were compared before and after the training program or between intervention and control groups. Data sources included medical records at health facilities, patient cards, or local surveillance data.

Patient exit survey

After training programs, patients were surveyed by evaluators after consultations with trainees. A standardized questionnaire was used to record the services received by patients, drugs prescribed, or whether they were satisfied with the consultations.


Trainees’ on-the-job performance was directly observed at their work place and assessed by evaluators or their supervisors.

Standardized patient

Standardized patients refer to people trained to accurately portray a specific medical condition. In this method, trainees’ performance was evaluated during clinical encounters without the presence of evaluators.

Focus group discussion

Trainees were gathered in groups after training programs to discuss their experiences, feedback, and reflections on the training programs. The discussion was usually guided by a facilitator.

Cost-effective analysis

The cost of the training program was calculated and compared with the outcomes of the program.

Outcomes evaluated


How trainees react to the training and their perceived value of the training


To what degree trainees acquire intended knowledge, skills, and attitudes based on participation in the learning event


To what degree trainees apply what they learned during training sessions on their job


The downstream organizational outcomes/impacts that occur as a result of the training