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Table 1 Items of the school health curriculum survey

From: Content analysis of health-related subjects in the K12 school curricula of Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Guam, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, and Fiji


Mental health

Nutrition-oral health

Education for sustainable development (ESD)

Handwashing with soap

Basic understanding of mental health or mental illness (described mentally good/bad status and reasons that lead to bad mental status)

Safety of foods

Climate change/global warming

Maintaining physical cleanliness (shower, haircut, etc)

More specific knowledge of mental illness (mental illness are clearly mentioned and explained)

Food supply system

A rise in sea level

Maintaining cleanliness of clothes

Understanding mental developmental stage (basic knowledge of mental developmental stage of human being. Just development of body is excluded)

Healthy eating

Glacial retreat

Ensuring environmental hygiene (house, room, toilet, etc)

Mutual understanding among peers

No sugar


Ventilation of rooms

Communication with family members (the relationship between health and family is clearly mentioned)

No alcohol


Hygienic management of food and cooking utensils

Seeking help and finding support

No smoking


Prevention of injury

Self-awareness (personality or sense of value is mentioned. Self assessment for educational goal is excluded)

Oral health education

Winter storms

First-aid treatment

Management of emotions (in the meaning of avoiding conflicts. Concentration on learning is excluded)

Basic cooking skills


The concept of health and the causes of disease

Stress management and coping

Handling of cooking facilities, cooking utensils and tableware


Infectious diseases

Managing conflict

Food culture (relationship between local food, local society, and natural condition)


Menstrual hygiene

Positive mental health (ways for boosting good mental health are clearly mentioned. Simple exercise or physical activity is excluded)

Respect to life of animals and plants


Clean water

Stigma toward mental illness


Garbage problem


Pollution of the air, land, water, etc

  1. This table describes the items and their definition of the health-related components of curricula