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Table 6 Overview of the analysis of conflicts

From: Teachers’ conflicts in implementing comprehensive sexuality education: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis

Characteristics of the conflicts

Analytical theme

Sub-theme (ST)

Prohibitions on sexuality education

Theme 1: Hesitancy in talking about sex education among teachers due to the cultural and religious context

ST 1-1: The topic of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) is a still taboo

ST 1-2: Concerns that sexuality education might encourage unhealthy curiosity and experimenting sexual behaviors

ST 1-3: Concerns/Fear that teacher would lose moral authority and control over the students

ST 1-4: Providing information on contraceptive methods is depending teachers’ perceptions and experiences

ST 1-5: Religious and cultural norms as inhibitor in implementing sex education

ST 1-6: Abstinence education as inhibitor of CSE implementation

Commonality of the conflicts

Theme 2: Non-integration of traditional sex education into comprehensive sexuality education

ST 2-1: Challenges of implementation in school the traditional sex education

ST 2-2: Consideration for the minorities

Diversity of the conflicts

Theme 3: Fostering effective facilitation of CSE among teachers

ST 3-1: Foster effective facilitation of the CSE in the school setting

ST 3-2: Contents of the traditional sex education should be specified to consist of the CSE

Suggestions for future promotion of school-based sexuality education

Theme 4: Determining the appropriate age to start sex education

ST 4-1: Recommendation to provide sex education at the beginning of the early adolescent

ST 4-2: Lack of educational material based on the development period among students

Theme 5: Roles of stakeholders outside the school

ST 5-1: Lack of collaboration with parents and health workers

ST 5-2: Unclear roles of teachers in CSE implementation

ST 5-3: Positive impact of the in-service training

ST 5-4: School-based CSE program