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Fig. 4 | Tropical Medicine and Health

Fig. 4

From: Tumor infiltrating leukocyte density is independent of tumor grade and molecular subtype in aggressive breast cancer of Western Kenya

Fig. 4

The density of TILs does not differ between molecular subtypes in breast tumors from Kenya. Breast cancer tissue samples were stained for TILs, including CD68, CD163, CD4, CD8, CD20, and CD25. Each sample was scored for percentage of positively stained area for the indicated TIL. The positively stained area then was compared across molecular subtypes basal/TN, HER2, luminal A, and luminal B. The positively stained areas then were compared across molecular subtypes basal/TN, HER2, luminal A, and luminal B by Kruskal-Wallis followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison tests CD68 a, CD163 b, CD4 c, CD8 d, CD20 e, and CD25 f (P = 0.1187, 0.3502, 0.0898, 0.6775, 0.1376, and 0.3128, respectively). The stained areas did not significantly vary by molecular subtype

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